Thursday, February 09, 2012


... and we're back.

I won't dilly-dally with too much in the way of preamble and explanation. Let's just power on.

Remote Wanderings will continue to be a melting pot of screen and print pop culture commentary, particularly film, TV, comics, and books. I can't predict what each day's post will be, and I hope that'll be as fun for you as it will be for me... after I've actually thought of each day's post...

'Basic Training' and 'Finishing School' will continue (or, more accurately, begin in earnest), particularly because it gives me added impetus to get through my DVD backlog and plug shameful gaps in my experience of cinema.

As for other features, we'll have to see what develops...

So let's go!


Michael said...


Jack said...


Thanks Michael!

I'm getting some strong deja vu here (in a good way)...